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Friday, November 7, 2008

The Taj Mahal

The need for a new justice center is hardly disputed among Johnson County voters, who rejected the proposed sales-tax increase by a pretty narrow margin. A common argument against it was that the price was too high.
I've heard the new facility's design compared to the Taj Mahal, "a monument to the Pharaohs," and a number of other lavish accommodations. People want to see what it would cost if the "frills" were removed from the plan. Would you please be more specific? Let me know in what ways you'd like to see the design modified and I'll ask for new figures.
I understand what it means to be too busy making a living to police your government officials. The Buffalo Bulletin can keep you informed, but if we're not asking the right questions, we want to hear from you.
As of 11:21 a.m., the commissioners are considering how to secure the WyDOT property they were planning to use for the new justice center. 
"What are the odds of WyDOT doing something else with it? They're probably not going to sell it to anyone else," said Gerald Fink, commission chair.
He wondered aloud if the county should pursue a first-right-of-refusal sort of agreement with the department or just go ahead and purchase it at today's prices "and know that we have it."
"Of course, is the price of land going to go up or down?" Fink and I both wanted to know.
The county treasurer said there is enough cash flow to purchase the property now at its current price of $192,000.
I wonder what they're doing with that land they bought east of town that was deemed less than ideal for this project.
Should we buy the WyDOT land or wait for the price to come down? Should we wait until there is a good, solid plan for funding the new justice center? One that has the support of the taxpayers?
Let's think about that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What I want to know, and have always wanted to know: why a an additional tax to build the thing? Can't the comissioners shift some of the mils around and dedicate some to building a justice center? At this time of feasting, does the cemetary board really need the entire $2.3 million generated by its one mil?

November 7, 2008 at 1:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find it interesting to note that the Commissions look to the Treasurer to tell them that there is enough "cash flow." Shouldn't the Commissioners be given a basic financial report at each meeting so as to make educated decisions?
I have I have asked the Treasurer how I could recieve a basic standard Profit and Loss report and Balance Sheet on Johnson County. She could not produce one. When I asked what she gives the Commissioners on a monthly basis to keep them abreat of the financials, she said the Clerk does that. So, I went and asked the clerk and received (3 days later because of the printing time) a 210 page printout that still did not contain the basic information.
The effect of this is that the Treasurer has way too much power and influence over the Commissioners.
I challenge the Bulletin to try to recieve a Profit and Loss Statement and a Balance Sheet from the Treasurer for publication.

November 20, 2008 at 12:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the County can buy the WYDOT property for $192,000, they need to do it right now. It is usable, located well, and available. It fits common sense much better than the bypass road property. In all probability, we are going to be compelled to fix our problem in stages, and more in a pay as we go mode. We have a problem. Time is not in our favor, guys. If you snooze, you'll lose.

November 25, 2008 at 8:42 PM  

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